“Twenty-two young women gave us something more than an organization; they planned it to be a sisterhood. Friends love us at all times, sisters are made for adversity.” Dorothy I. Height
In 1991, Atlanta was a large and growing metropolitan city with several Delta Sigma Theta alumnae chapters already in existence. Even with four chapters in the city, there were still many Deltas who were not active and soon the idea of a new chapter was introduced. The inquiries and questions began almost immediately. Why was another chapter necessary? What obstacles would it have to overcome? What were the benefits of chartering yet another chapter? Three sorors, Gladyce Dawson, Juanita Eber and Anne Lawton, gathered to examine and provide answers to these questions. Reclamation was one of the resounding responses coming from the new group. Guided by passion, purpose and principles, they would focus on reclaiming those who were disheartened and discouraged. Reclamation would be the fuel and sisterhood would be the fire of the new chapter. The three sorors began an active grass roots campaign to invite sorors interested in embracing change with courageous leadership. Several months later, the core group of three grew to eight when Sorors Vivian Brown, Mary C. Ford, Merle A. Franklin, Ruby Riley and Beulah Stafford joined the group. That same year the group began its official communication with Grand Chapter by drafting a letter requesting information to charter a new chapter in Atlanta.
The eight sorors spent the next year and a half organizing, documenting and selectively inviting women to join this historic effort. In 1993, as the numbers swelled to 74, the charter group was just a few months away from being the fifth alumnae chapter in Metropolitan Atlanta. And, on April 24, 1993 the Atlanta Suburban Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated was chartered at Fort McPherson with 73 members present, a charter member; Soror Ina M. Martin was included posthumously.
Irene S. Adams
Bernice V. Anderson
Shirley B. Ashley
Blanche R. Augustine
Jacqueline A. Ballantine
Carol D. Barefield
Helen R. Bellamy
Gretchen B. Bess
Barbara C. Bilberry
Virginia A. Brown
Vivian W. Brown
Frances W. Bryant
Gloria W. Butler
Constance G. Byrom
Patsy V. Chambers
Carolyn Clark
Frances Cook
Ora Hill Cook
France M. Culpepper
Gladyce E. Dawson
Audrey A. Dixon
Juanita M. Eber
Emma Elder
Mary C. Ford
Merle A. Franklin
Ruby H. Gannaway
Margo L. Gentry
Patricia H. Guillory
Karen P. Crenshaw Hill
Carolyn Clark Huff
Josephine W. Jackson
Linda C. Johnson
Freda B. Jones
Anne M. Lawton
Fleda R. Little
Beverly L. Isom
Ina M. Martin*
June T. Martin
Anne M. Lawton
Fleda R. Little
Ina M. Martin*
June T. Martin
Betty Snype McNair
Yvonne M. McNeil
Shedricka V. Miller
Shirle Miller Walton
Trudy R. Miller
J. Louise Morse
Nelta Morton
Ida Rousseau Mukenge
Teloca Murdock-Sistrunk
Brenda D. Oliver
Narvie H. Puls
Dilcie S. Ragsdale
Ethel T. Rice
Deborah A. Schwapp
Betty F. Scott
Lawana J. Sermons
Patricia C. Stanford
Beulah B. Stafford
Emelda M. Stevens
SeQucia Pierre Story
Joanna F. Sutton
Angela Sutton
Clara M. Taylor
Dorothy L. Taylor
Cheryl H. Thomas
Margaret M. Thurman
Eloise W. Tolbert
Marilyn B. Udeh
Phyllis D. Waddell
Mary J. Ward
June S. Wardlaw
Dorothy A. Warren
Evelyn M. Williams
Sandra P. Williams
Dorothy H. Willoughby
Juanita Yancey
For Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. History Click Here